I came here because I wanted to see what would happen. Because I knew you wouldn't even come to me. And I thought maybe you would crumble like one of your goddamn sculptures, but you are not that easy to break, are you? You will just pick up the pieces and start all over again.
一个写出这样句子的诗人:If I can…/ … help one fainting robin/ Unto his nest again/ I shall not live in vain妈妈的工作2无法想象会像剧里一样在家里囤上十几个带鸟蛋的鸟巢……和这个类似整个剧的逻辑也很神一边是不许她发表作品无视她才华的家庭一边是鼓励她发表文学爱慕她才华的George那么为啥还不嫁给G.要赖在家里妥协受气