无码精品A∨在线观看十八禁软件系列的起始之作时隔20几年补番显然深受当代电影审美影响面对上世纪末的作品有点消化不良从表演到拍摄到剪辑都透着些许老旧的气质很多镜头感觉交待的不是那么直接清楚(或许也有观看环境影响画面台词不太清晰)剧情细想也是有不通顺之处不过这些并不影响本作的成功开篇饱满的人物角色和惊险情节设置引人入胜最后不得不说当年的鲜肉阿汤哥真是颜值爆炸必须加一星(2018.9.8 @home with 赵老板)
“You give up your personal simplicity to participate in a relationship. And when you are giving, you are not giving to the other person: you are giving to the relationship. Then it become a life building, a life fostering and enriching experience, not an impoverishment because you are giving to somebody else.” — Joseph Campbell