2022-148 这个结局……Ann才是最可怜的人啊身处建国大业快播却不得不经受漩涡带来的冲击被反复拉扯Kathie跟Jeff说"You're no good for anyone but me. You're no good and neither am I. That's why we deserve each other." 虽然意识到这或许是她欺骗的套话但还是会被戳中Kathie的形象塑造得太好太丰满不断的背叛和隐瞒层出不穷的心计却也渴望爱情甘愿共沉沦永远对这种蛇蝎美人毫无抵抗力
The five-episodes-long inaugural season is a slow, weak beginning to the marvelous franchise. The main characters are toned down versions of their later selves that are still on the way to digging into each other's quirks, accompanied by somewhat stilted banters and tepid dramas.