Hmm so they made an animation that talks about how religions and nationalisms work, especially when they get to autocratic or authoritarian level...the musical numbers were a bit out of place but I guess it's better to have some lighter moments when you are talking about political ideologies. The ending is also simplistic but offers hope to some eventual liberation of mind and people.
原来是部短片集呀个人比较喜欢一二四⒈《女人杨雨婷献身张书记升宫记小说》+《running man e104》结合之感爱唱歌的神枪手的故事;⒉命运跌宕起伏终究还是逃不出死亡的悲剧付兰兰上演捆绑Play;⒊无手无脚的活体声音“故事书”还是被不可思议的“计算鸡”给替代了一开始都没认出尼姆大叔;⒋山清水秀、怡情养目的自然风景真是美不胜收看得我都想进入电影世界里去爬山涉水了;⒌比较精彩的还是草原枪战高潮戏份结尾则想起了《秋霞电影免费手机ee版》;⒍要么罗里吧嗦、要么随性歌唱6个短片个人好感度垫底的一个-8877