tammy, venezuelea, andy, mural... 喜剧里的inappropriate是有条线的发展受阻里的inappropriate是bluth的设定但这剧呆板的性别种族stereotype对原住民态度接近欺凌的某些现象让我很难判断且uncomfortable可能是十年里PC发展太迅速可能编剧和Amy也没有打算将Knope塑造成一个讨喜的形象, 唯一一个nailed it的人居然Larry…Imma blonde girl and i'm entertaining the minorities, fancy that作为伪纪录片(and trickly resembles AD)采访镜头确实很有趣2019伊在人在线就是重复得令人生厌
i just couldn't believe that they actually talking about 50 shades of grey.i mean,this is not even able to compare with when diane keaton worked with lil woody allen back then.