# 凯西 A girl was just a girl to you. To me, there's holly vessels. I was saving their souls. I ask myself what is this here cslled Holy Spirit? Maybe that's love. Why I love everybody so much I'm fit to burst sometimes. Maybe there aren't no sin and there ain't no virtue. It's just what people does. Something folks do is nice and some aint so nice.
Tommy Tommy孤独走在烟雾缭绕的伯明翰街头破碎恍惚的画面和推着走的“革命”这一季的摄影比之前还要好……那种黑绿的调子配着工业化的伯明翰和伦敦煤带动的城市化鸦片带来的精神抚慰第四集的芭蕾舞片段的混剪和貌似犹太人的舞者背后的红丝带就跟血一样铺满地面还有强大的配乐婷婷色国产偷V国产偷V有时恍若在看黑帮偶像剧怎么回事(并没有偶像)依然是最好的黑帮片