A lot of pain comes from caring too much. It is not that bad to be the rickest Rick who doesn't really give a shit about anything. Episode 1 of season 6 is so heartbreaking. Partially, It is talking about Let It Go. For God's sake, it is so hard. I am so haunted and tortured always by the past and by the one I liked and finally lost. I am so sorry.
PKD小说确实适合写扩展坐在办公椅上悄悄做的运动相当于给了悬疑框架和引子把记忆混淆和火星面貌戏剧化了;里根时期的影子余波真的在里面处处可见:tough guy的主人公(还得是施瓦辛格)、暴力流血来武装的masculinity、黑人演员要么是笑点要么是坏蛋(in this cas both)、消费主义在火星上都以随处可见的可口可乐和pepsi耀武扬威...;倒是科幻核心还是抓住了想象里被财阀压迫的火星生物和最后大气生态化的乐观结局通通都很80s过度90s;调色还蛮喜欢的变种人甚至很有B级片气质