The very first modern western movie, and the model for all of those to come. The elements of narration and filmography that it sets hold steady until now and probably for still a long time - see Tarantino's hateful eight for their confirmation. Most of the ideas on it are simple, but it takes a master to put the ingredients all in place and to cook something this delicious. Without any obvious main character, but rather a complex mix of persona, each cristallizing a class or a segment of society. This a Western movie to be sure, with all the parts that make up the mechanics, but it is above all a satire. One that is politically engaged too, especially in regards to the banker role.
以出乎意料的深刻探索了AI时代里爱情何为爱是talk一场漫长的絮絮自语爱是illusion自己一个人的幻觉之旅爱是grow up together谨小慎微试图齐头并进的成长爱是look up into ur eyes see the world come through两个旺仔小馒头放在手上图片是爱上对方眼中的整个世界
男人戏法拉利与探戈If you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on.