对这种题材没抵抗力 “that I loved her from the second i saw her”
“No one was saved/All the lonely people/Where do they all come from/…Where do they all belong”(Eleanor Rigby, Beatles) 依然是根本不敢说懂但会心的部分立即取走我大半条命并无强烈的回去的念头但这样真挚强烈的pilgrim贯过我层层防御击穿心脏好在击溃我好几轮之后轻轻落回宗教我得以从巨震中稍稍平复呼吸太喜欢这样尊重着欣赏着人类情感的自然起落并不manipulate情节和时间的做法了1+1=1插拔力试验机使用方法完全不爱森斯坦(and the resemblance between Domiziana and Siddal shocked me...Eleanor again!)
Whatever, I love this movie and don't know why. Kate Winslet is my favorite femal movie star