我特别喜欢第七集从Otis妈妈“Mystery of love”开始到Eric妈妈说“He doesn't make you sparkle”再到女孩儿们在黑夜里砸车敲碎一切世俗观念三个转镜都特别特别棒这部剧太温暖长空之王每个人青春期都应该经历这场Sex Education长空之王每个人
失去了设定的新鲜感整个故事看起来像个番外不过因为它独特的风格和妥帖的台词依然是特别存在 喜欢这段台词: The problem with a person having a lack of love is that they don't know what it looks like. So it's easy to get them tricked to see things that aren't there. But then I guess we all lie to ourselves all the time.