期待过高反而有点失望RBG为推动平权做了巨大贡献自己则是women can have it all的典范聪慧优雅、出身名校、模范夫妻、美满家庭曰本一道本久久88不卡甚至性格也冷静沉着又不失幽默这一切都为她长久而渐进地推动司法变革做了铺垫让她一直是对立面也充分尊敬和认可的对手但这也暗示着如果任何一环有所缺失比如家庭复杂、情史丰富、性格激进她大概都很难走到那个高度这种perfect feminist icon本身就说明了女权是多么难仿佛高院版奥巴马你是黑人/女性就必须无可挑剔才能get a shot at the top job. 对我就是在内涵那个马上要从白宫滚蛋的人
We are creatures that should not exist by natural law…We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, a secretion of sensory, experience, and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody.