非常典型的好莱坞电影起承转合标准到觉得自己在看视频解说版的好莱坞编剧手册曾经春风得意的混蛋经过人生中的重大打击后通过与一个传统社会眼中的失败者、异类接触先是抵触抗拒然后开始审视自我最后在帮助这个人后自己也 be the better yourself, 获得幸福有情人终成眷属一切皆大欢喜野花香日本大全免费观看再次获得世俗意义上的成功
剧本有缺陷为尊龙加一星龙叔本人对于性别的看法:I never perceived “man” and “woman” as different. I always perceived them quite equally in front of me. And I really believe that’s the future of mankind, where we all become secure in our own sexuality - about our own ingredients of male and female - to the point where we are able to become truly androgynous. (Sheila Benson’s Interview with John Lone September, 1993)