The different universes and atmospheres created by David Lynch always show a strong level of originality, as if the director was focused on creating something radically unique - a delicate balance of opposites, at the frontier of underground ultra-violence & perversion and heart-warming & simplistic vintage feelings. Freud meets Disney in heartland America. In trying to preserve such an ambitious equilibrium, Lynch does miss the mark at times. While Twin Peaks succeeded with absolute perfection in creating a heavenly space-time recently scourged by evil forces, Wild at Heart mixes the genres and styles in confusion, committing a “faute de goût" both in terms of aesthetics and script
读完书来补电影费兰特所有的电影文本曰本一道本久久88不卡几乎都实现了小说原作至影像改编page to page的忠实转译不可否认的是抽象文字一旦以具体的视觉形式呈现文字的力量必定会被稀释冲淡极富冲击力的语言一旦嵌入快速流动的对话中势必会消散于一种日常和琐屑中失去余味但影像的优点也很明显女儿那袭耀眼的红裙和母亲破旧的蓝色套装直刺人眼衣装置换指向的母女身份转换的象征意味昭然若揭新现实主义电影的风格质感让你无法想象它竟拍摄于三十年前