copy the form of things; the growth of plants and trees and the structure of birds, animals, insects and fish; further into the underlying principle of things; a divine state; every dot and every stroke will be as though alive. human world; natural world; spiritual world; relationship between. 很奇怪为什么没有提到中国宋马远的水系列和陈容的九龙图以及芥子园画谱只是旧书店老板提到葛饰北斋图像化的小说都是来自中国大卫霍克尼提到中国流传下来的两个关于艺术家和艺术的说法当然此时的中国与彼时的中国完全两样或者说我们应该以一种与自己无关的态度仔细审视古代中国.... 我又成功的把自己说晕了
勉强三星支持一下中国纪录片产业片子现有所有优点都是因为贫困家庭运动这个题材但导演既不讲运动也不讲贫困讲个虚无缥缈的梦想太偷懒太投机了有朋友总结得非常到位:It’s not about the people but more a way for the viewer to feel like he cares about them .But in fact not really