When facing the total collapse of faith, where do you find answers? What is reason when we can only rely on ourselves to explain to ourselves? Does law bear any more responsibility aside from a decision? Maye thinks that law explains and she decides based on law, but she is after all a human being who needs to explain how she thinks and feels.
OP民族音乐ED整活 我觉得打斗有点水老是拉镜头大闪光糊弄过去老人欲取离世儿子存款被拒这样我很难给五星啊明明陈朵篇剧情是封神的 看完啦仍旧五星(因为在追漫画现在是纳森岛篇发现二叔习惯在作品里用非常娓娓道来的方式讲述一种异于寻常的三观和逻辑:both 陈朵and nothing island