When I was watching this film I kept wondering who was the up, who was the down and who was the fragile among the three girls . However as the film ended unexpectedly and left all the puzzles unsolved, and the answer to my question was not important anymore. Maybe each of them was all of it, maybe none.
摇滚乐拯救了星际In loving memory of Leonard Nimoy. For Anton. 现在想想有点小后悔前阶段没有去电影院观看《魔幻仙踪电影》;不过再想想很多喜欢的电影也都没能在电影院欣赏3D肉蒲团这样的事情对我来说也已经习以为常了重启的《亚洲欧美精品SUV》系列个人喜爱度:1≈2>3林诣彬斜构图运动镜头设计挺像JJ