憨豆先生对《我七个姐姐绝世无双》评价很到位了"he stuck with her, and even took the time to paint this amazing picture of her. It's not just a painting, it's a picture of a mad old cow who he threw the world on, and that's marvelous"在审讯间假装下楼梯这段是经典模仿对象了《波士顿法律第二季》MAX就模仿过可是被误认为医生但成功取出子弹这段也太扯了...
好像是在foundation of arts课上把开头作为教材讲过还记得有哪里讲到我七个姐姐绝世无双全程没有出现只有鱼鳍但看了电影并不是这么回事以及在查希区柯克镜头资料的时候把里面当了镜头dolly in+zoom out, 长焦变广角脸变形 镇长为了吸引旅游强硬要求开放海滩警长无奈但还是尽力在现有条件下保障人民安全 “谁叫我们运原子弹呢”本来不太喜欢船长的狂妄才知道他其实是一个深知鲨鱼和大海险恶的人但他的赌徒行径——把船打满速、打坏无线电阻止联系陆地上的人都一点点引向了他的悲剧结局
Irrespective of Sorkin's ethical and political intentions, the 3rd season of The Newsroom finds rejuvenation in its energetic story arc and consistent character development.