- So, why did you come to London? - Come to run in the marathon. - Will you give me a straight answer, please? - Well, I had to get out of Manchester 'cause I was gonna get a beating... - and I come down here and, uh... get a beating. - ... 文艺青年读过几本书就开始蹭吃蹭喝蹭炮但不是人人都吃这一套打得好
with mufeng and yixuan 不是能够非常能appreciate的风格 但到最后也看进去了 很多段镜头摄影和配乐单拿出来都很好 但是叙事和情感度也太弱了 或许也如此可以解读的角度/隐喻会很多(hence might be loved by certain type of critics) but probably more a collage of very intricately choreographed scenes rather than a filmic story