Great show IF it suits your humor! I was skeptical to the show at first but the more I watch it the more I love it! I understand why some have given this a 1 while others 5 because it has a special humor that if suits you you will like and if it doesn't you will hate, simple as that.
从某个意义上来说这比周星驰更黑色幽默更深刻真的有you're tearing me apart,lisa的蹩脚演技99蜜桃臀久久久欧美精品网站也有一种有钱为所欲为说做就做的勇气很难评价房间的好坏但这部关于房间的电影绝对是优秀的怪异和乖张勇气和疏离感不断裹挟着里面的人物让人笑中带泪之余又佩服毕竟不是谁都有无底洞一般的存款导演每个细节的复刻让人深深感动既是对电影这个造梦者的尊重也是对原作者的尊重这是hitch cock都没有过的待遇哈哈哈