“葡萄酒必须是葡萄做的因为这才是最好的”“重要的是不要让他按别人的方式生活做他自己”厚厚的老花镜片下马斯楚安尼如卡通片般乎闪的大眼睛让人难忘这是一个从开头就能遇见过程和结尾的故事——长期不住在一起的老人突然探访儿女一定不会有什么好事儿这也是一个每个画面情节都是泪点的电影少妇扒开毛茸茸的B自慰尤其在经历了爷爷离世与去年年底那些事之后亲情已成我最大软肋从青年时的风流倜傥到迟暮老矣我可真喜欢马斯楚安尼莫里康内演的谁没发现呀对的配乐真的很像《男生床上为什么要放很多纸》内嵌中字数梦版权莫里康内配乐电影展with F. 百老汇电影中心1号厅售罄
every lawyer at least in one case will feel he cross the line which he doesn't mean to cross it,it just happens. and when if you cross it enough times , it disappears forever. what is the legal profession? what is i pursuing for?
i love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.only in this way can i know what will not be abandoned by time. for examp when you love someone, changes are all around. then i step backward and watching it silently, then i see the true feelings