导演的政治诉求和思想输出好强烈啊一个时日无多一个生不如死一个极端分子优质RB灌溉JY系统海棠初一最后演绎的故事还是一开始constance说的“对权威的藐视”而非理性的争取另外说实话从男主角身上真的看不到一点智慧的体现或对理想的执着我觉得constance最开始说的那句评价很对: you are so weak.
She said: Hard to get, make no sense. It’s evolutionarily unsound. Why would a caveman want a cavewoman who was like“Go get me food. When you’re come back, maybe there’ll be a cave for you maybe there won’t be.” Men should want women that are gonna keep the coziest, warmest caves. Men need shelter, I am guaranteeing shelter.