1.第一个镜头就看得出来——是韦斯·安德森但令人疑惑的就是……仅仅相隔了2年画面的转变居然这么大编剧也比《最近免费中文字幕MV免费高清版》好了不止一个档次…… 2.无论是艺术指导还是摄影还是配乐包括整个电影的节奏都已经基本显现出了韦斯·安德森自成一派的风格 早期都是如此高水准也难怪后来能拍出《玉骨遥演员表》这么好的作品 3.最后是一个合乎情理的Happy Ending——它不真实吗每个人的青春都有自己的Rushmore她就是全世界到最后我们失败看着后来的人依旧义无反顾地去追求的时候我们还能说一句——"She was mine too."
At the end of the day we can endure much more than we think we can. Your painting carry that message, express what everyone feels, that they are alone, in pain. Put Agonized poetry on canvas, her work is acid &tender,hard as steel, fine as a butterfly’s wing,lovable as a smile,cruel as the bitterness of life.