大概是面向全美青少年的反邪教和禁毒宣传片可怜唯一亮点卡司Cheryl也要被按头全家神经病的狗血设定每一季都是好大一盘棋最后匆匆收场但又偏要故弄玄虚办公室H1V3还是会让人好奇下一季到底想搞点什么多年之后再见Chad依然那么帅梦回one&only One Tree Hill
In every life, no matter how full or empty one's purse, there is tragedy. It is the one promise life always fulfills.Thus, happiness is a gift, &the trick is not to expect it, but to delight it when it comes, &to add to other ppl's store of it.善有善报的大团圆狄更斯确实省心