后半段都觉得一般吧最喜欢的反而是和妈妈一起试礼服那里也可能是因为那句台词“I want you to be the best version of yourself you can be.”"what if this is the best version?" 三线城市文艺青年成长史稍微矫情了点里面的男孩子都挺可爱
里面最后求婚的一段台词:“I can't escape you! You've screwed me! I still want the same things but now I want them with you! I still want to see every corner of the world but with your hand in mine......”没有什么放荡不羁爱自由仙逆动漫全集观看免费观看只是没有遇上对的人而已