1. 东方家庭很多话都不讲明就算讲出来韩式三点在线看也会有不同的方法眼睛为你下着雨心却为你打着伞2. 语言和文化的不同并不是阻碍人们之间沟通的鸿沟心灵之间的隔阂和芥蒂才是真正难以逾越的3.It takes 300 years of prayers to cross the river in a boat with someone . It takes 3000 years of prayers to share a pillow with someone. 夫妻如此父母与孩子更是人终将会有老去的一天或许我们这一辈子都无法活得‘恰到好处’但是尽量开心些使旁的人也开心些4. 道理一旦懂得就务必要珍惜
But in one respect, I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough.