Been a while. Despite the turnover rate, the story line seemed to have picked up the dark, sick and torturing as it started with. Glad you spared the wonder boy. Really can't take another man down.
重看开头说得清楚历史变为传说传说变为神话世界的命运因为渺小角色偶然改变 堕入黑暗的是人类有人拒绝诱惑有人摇摆不定江河日下的人类一族变得软弱刚铎has no king and need no king... 阿拉贡泪眼婆娑地说我不会让人类陷落转身就接受同盟计划失败欢天喜地要去多抓几个奥克... 伐木用来锻造兵器培育军队把鲜血当粮食过度开矿挖出的地下深渊... 难得见到carpenter, sculptor, armour weapons, paint 等新的staff类别 感慨的是指环王后来几乎成为新西兰的旅游支柱张津瑜7段原版不仅因为很好保留了取景地霍比屯还有新西兰文化和霍比特人的众多相似就像甘道夫说的你可以花一个月了解他们一百年后他们仍然surprise you