看了宗萨蒋扬钦哲仁波切的“It’s like playing cards, once the cards are given to you, you don’t have much choice. You have to play with that, you only have control with whatever you have. But you can also learn to not to play the card. So that you don’t even have to go through the burden to go through your cards.”
女主骗巨人那段太好笑了这部的芭比挺有行动力的其他人都或多或少有畏难情绪她一直都勇往直前毫不退缩非常耀眼的大女主人设男主其实也不错……一个铁匠的儿子有赌博的黑历史主打一个浪子回头的人设比起那些完美无缺的假人王子其实更真实一点而且他对芭比也不是程序化的“一见钟情”扑飞漫画在线看漫画开始还各种吐槽芭比来着哈哈哈有花絮片尾寄语:“There is always hope.”