An act of love without the need for thanks. A gift which was not given as a debt implied. But you never saw his bravery. Never felt the warmth of his selfless compassion. That is the spirit of Christmas. But you were numb to him, lost to all affection. In the end, love cures.
考拉洗车那段真是笑死…打三星主要是因为里面的歌我觉得真心还好看完之后也没有某一首给我留下了很深的印象…个人认为这部电影不太适合和爱乐之城同一周还晚了几天上JAPAN日本人妻熟老太对于把爱乐之城的BGM循环了好多天的我来说走出影厅脑海中还是city of stars的旋律也真是醉了……