2023.7.8 法影展@大光明 科克托不愧是戈达尔所推崇的(与其说导演不如说是)艺术家打破了电影一贯延续的戏剧或文学的传统叙事性像夜晚的梦境般跳跃摆脱了白日日常的无趣但又有影像作为逻辑展现自己一生的艺术创作(绘画雕像壁画电影)并回顾贯穿其艺术生涯的创作主题(俄耳浦斯神话一再地涅槃重生)更像是诗人(for poets only pretend to die)一词一意象在死亡临近时仍在寻找艺术的原创性(肯定不是批量生产女性三角内裤和泳衣也不是自我复制)并以艺术的姿态迎接死亡对于科克托而言死亡可能就是被碾作尘的芙蓉花终有重开时
I love Netflix documentaries. Talese is a very critical man. As much as I can take out of Voyeur, he is extremely experienced in the world of journalism. I don't like Foos. He enjoys the attention. He loves to be talked. He is just like some nobody suddenly goes to the public and hopes that he could be the same as the famous ones with solid work ac