小男孩代表胆小一开始并不敢找同伴同行鼹鼠代表懵懂免费观看又黄又爽又色的小说甚至看不清一棵树狐狸代表被偏见和误解就像《无线乱码不卡一二三四破解版》里尼克那种而马则代表卓尔不群因为优秀而被排挤四种情况并不相同但他们的共同点是孤独但当他们相遇并开始同行其实彼此就都拥有了伙伴然后:To love, and be loved !
How could you be so desperately unhappy when you so essentially happy? How could you know so much and still be this baffled by it all? ……you could die of the loneliness, but you could die of hope, too. The way it blinded you a little, the way it led you to try again, despite what you knew.