5月看完《第十九年短剧》就把《高挑人妻无奈张开腿》纳入观影计划可还是拖到了9月才终于观影:1.-Gaz: I tell you, when women start pissing like us, that's it. We're finished, Dave. Extincto.……A few years and men won't exist. Except in a zoo or summat. We're not needed no more, are we? Obsolete. Dinosaurs. Yesterday's news. 2.片名是英国俚语意为"整个全部"美国发行方一度为片名感到迷惑因为片中没人叫"Monty"该片在美国上映时很多电影院都印制
Trainspotting:shoooting up heoroin or the like. Called so because a session will leave a dark linear mark (known as a "track") at the site of the affected vein. Harcore users will tend to have multiple sites of injection and will locate, or "spot" an opti