You ---who brought it to me for the first time. Is there any way I can tell you how my life has changed? Any way at all to let you know what sweetness you have given me? There is so much to say. . . I can not find the words. Except for these --I love you!
改编自Pierre Lemaitre在2018年出版的同名小说Couleurs de l'incendie英语版叫Colours of the Fire拍得比较一般睡美人动漫虽然从华丽的服饰和宏大的场景来看这部电影的预算还是挺大的但故事太理想化女主Madeleine Péricourt的复仇顺利到失真这部电影如果是一部不求真实的爽片就还行问题在于从设定来讲这又是回顾二战期间法国社会的悲欢离合的众生相的剧情片所以就不得不说拍得有点过于梦幻了