这片子又厉害又悲伤那种没有任何选择可以阻止悲剧发生的悲伤啊喜欢死人的旁白自述一二三四免费中文在线喜欢万能管家Turn that light back where it belongs比利怀特每次台词都好棒啊在B站看的弹幕让我觉得大家对年纪大的女性非常刻薄当任何年龄差巨大的男女关系出现时女性年纪大的时候大家就废话好多
The gorgeous fights apart, a dejavu lame Doctor Who episode -- full of memories, I mean Rose, the man from the sky, the mad lonely lady, the choice to be made and master who who regretted being the master of "citizens of the world"? Now I do want to see a proper Christmas special...