看到百万富翁Jeremy在田间地头灰头土脸赶羊喂鸡 辛苦一年豪赚144镑的时候 真的很想给他介绍一位我们中国一千多年前就与他灵魂相通的伟大诗人陶渊明 而陶大爷早就用一首归园田居生动描绘了风雅人士是如何脸朝地与田园生活零距离接触的:种豆南山下 草盛豆苗稀 晨兴理荒秽 戴月荷锄归——戴建业老师说 草盛豆苗稀还种个鬼的田当然了 他们不靠老天爷吃饭 劳作就是图一乐 作为观众 我看得就更快乐了;Jeremy, dont go back to London, Amazon, you do that fxxking sequel right away!
In last season, Mike said he was in love the Katherine, and in this season, he just said he thought about Susan all the time, OMG, what kind of people of those! M&S just deserved each other.