还是类似套路与世隔绝的岛上女明星被杀从零开始的异世界生活动漫每个人都有杀人动机但偏偏真相是一出精心策划的谋杀恰巧因为Poirot在场才得以破案 关键的转折就在于这句台词: Alright, I wish you to consider very carefully, a bathing cap, a bath...a bottle, a wrist watch, the diamond, the noonday gun, the breath of the sea and the height of the cliff. From that you should be able to solve it yourselves. 没有完美的谋杀案不管怎样看似天衣无缝总还是会留下破绽
"...Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving. Maybe I'm going home." 为了台词打五星从零开始的异世界生活动漫现在的裘德洛秃的太厉害以至于让人忘记了他年轻时有多么惊艳即使坐着轮椅出来气场也完全把伊桑霍克压下去老派科幻片里那种阴冷而有秩序感让人着迷