对于律师害怕AI以及律所对于Lucca生孩子的政策(or the lack of)感到非常失望好的律师不会害怕AI只会希望它快速发展来完成一些机械无脑的工作好的律所不应要求女律师以牺牲身体健康和家庭幸福为代价来发展事业好吊视频一区二区三区特别是对Diane这种当权女性来说更应当承担自己的责任
yeah I get it like psychopathic yakuza being goofy is the quirkiest edgiest deepest shit but what a tedious film to sit through...and the music really gets on my nerves
You wanna blame somebody? Blame yourself. "I'm not even supposed to be here today." Nobody twisted your arm to be here today. You're here of your own volition.