Resonating and echoing. 或许就是戒掉欲望毒品应激反应的真实体现Ah the power of theatre. 主角太有力人前人后的状态向死而生 Hester是以Rattigan男友为蓝本的人物受限于当时的法律在剧中成为了女性当下能看到这样丰富且具有先锋性的女性角色也是种阴差阳错的幸福
Some great idea but 小學雞 detective, and illogical plot. The murder is an unnecessary plot device, and how the murder was solved was not written well at all. E8 finally gets a bit more interesting. Actually developed quite an affection for Melanie. E10 was ok. Overall a lot of great ideas it wants to bring out but horrible screenplay and execution.