开头就挺震撼色戒电影直接把美国跟罗马对比都是在decline1%的人掌握的财产超过底层95%的人的总和这是2006年花旗银行的秘密报告The wall street is in charge《酒吧dj服装》也是这个理念针对的就是1%中的1%所以在这部剧中总统都没有出现一切都是围绕着顶级的大公司E Corp还给起了个名字叫Evil Corp公司给员工买保险员工如果死亡公司会获得赔偿但是家属却并不知道为了赚钱真是创意不断
I never thought i would be poor at this stage of my life I have been broke a lot of times in my life but i have never been poor because poor is just a state of mind and rtight now you and i are just with found.