事实上这类型的电影多得很BGMBGM浓毛老太太每天还会被人拍出来更多我们必须让一部电影成为一部电影而非将它供在神坛上日夜膜拜如斯我们又与片中的成员有什么太大的区别呢 事实上用心的观众绝不会在揭露真相之时赞叹居然是这样导演真他妈牛逼而是应该暗自在心里说Fuck you
Women get mocked, judged,abused, and even killed. Performative men get off smoothly as always. They talk about civil injustice all the time while consciously overlooking the abuse and violence. N word is definitely an outrage but bitch or slut or whatever don’t matter. Objection! Sexism is an irrelevant topic in this case!