Bette Davis演得太好太准确了她完全就是片中可以称之为伟大的女演员同意这段对剧场的论述:To be a good actor or actresses or anything else in the theatre means wanting to be that more than anything else in the world. It means a concentration of desire or ambition and sacrifice such as no other profession demands.
那天原本就打算看Roma 和Can you ever forgive me 的一部是十一点一部是三点半中间就空出来一个多小时这部就刚刚好 必须说一开始的那个镜头还有刘文正的那把声音让我对于整部片子很有期待不过结束也就是结束了虽然我挺喜欢最后那个少年时代的还有刘瑞琪还有身材如此不错的石头 不用特别想什么伦理电影也不去要弄懂导演想做什么路过吧