After the first episode, I was just in awe. Is this game theory or black comedy? This is the first time that I watch a show and I want to swear. Fxxk. Just fxxk.
彼时的他们其实也不是特别“迷恋文艺”吧对作品的热爱更体现在说不清的感受上体现在人们如何重新观察天空、发觉光的变化、如何看待一片叶子在风中飘......很重要的是:人们如何看待时间当男女主最后重新回到那个餐厅而这次坐在了观众的席位看到关于时间流逝的“电影”而泪流满面冲出theatre这时他们也许才真的在迷影了:一家常去的餐厅关门了一本熟悉的刊物停刊了一段热烈的旅程结束了观众、听众、读者好像才开始真正读懂那些事物的意义而最重要的并不是记得名字、准时赴约或是持有什么'been there done that'的证据/最后和前任打招呼那场戏堪称恶俗
A self taught autodidactic cabbie, an fantasist who belives he is an idealist. senior with no pension, the oldies who can't afford the TV(modern cure to tbe loneliness) licence, stand out for social injustice 政府救不了每一个老人 灾难来临的时候 最容易被牺牲的就是老人