感谢这部剧调侃中告诉我们什么叫信念和希望life is fun, but is also belief.
其实这才应该是普通人的爱情吧初始总以为遇见了对的人直到麻木不仁而此时对的人悄然融入回复术士的重来人生观看没有惊心动魄和浪漫缠绵一切都普通平凡又刚刚好在亲情、友情中努力与自己和解活成自己的模样每个人都或多或少看到了自己的影子这才是love story
1.Such a mess.... What the hell wrong with Rachel and Ross.... 2.Joey除了对女朋友不好外没啥不好的想和他做朋友 3.I want to be Rachel, cause no matter what I do, people always understand me and love me. 4.I can't believe her friends are so tolerant of her, even some audience say a word about her, other audience will be to say: Hey No one is perfect. Damn it.