我把全部的星都給Jibaro即便之前的The WitnessSpider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse和拿到奧斯卡最佳動畫短片的The Windshield Wiper已經把我對於Alberto Mielgo的期望拉到了無限高但Jibaro不僅沒有讓我失望反而大大超出了我的期待Alberto Mielgo招牌式的斑斕色彩、肢體語言、鏡頭焦距特效和聲音特效都毋庸贅述片中環保、貪婪、愛情、反殖民主義和女性主義的主題更是交融成一把利刃披荊斬棘乾净利落看得人全程鳥肌堪稱一段美輪美奐、毛骨悚然而又撕心裂肺的震撼奇旅
Body horror is the metaphor for visual pleasure. A critical reflection on where our species are heading if giving no limit to our exploitation of pleasure. However the film itself didn’t escape the fate of being part of the process, and me as the audience who already sat down, had no option of rejecting my role as the consumer of such content.