Gutted!Jesus Christ….这也太TM美好了太解压了; 不堆砌任何理论知识她只是的单纯的告诉你: zs shitty life/world is going to hell eventually, like clammy hands choking u to crash, smashing everything in ur hands, fking reality.(On the piss!?these comments on high horse,i just wish when they tumble off; don’t smack of their heads to the ground,plz: )that’s gross
这大概是我近期看过的最符合老马Cinema定义的电影好久没看如此像散文的电影阿莫多瓦这个“回忆录”/自我审视感觉像是痛苦里诞生的“荣耀”Antonio的表演能让我时刻感受到背景里的pain整部观感像是读一个人的日记Personal and raw. 最好的Banderas还是在阿莫多瓦这儿原本以为Joaquin今年铁定最佳高H纯肉自慰现在我动摇了