女權先鋒用攝影機記錄時代而這些都要身先士卒、衝鋒陷陣世俗成見和父權霸權不會自動潰敗:People are afraid of women who speak out, but few have the opportunity to say what they think. When they have one, people are afraid of them because they're not used to it. They think they lack femininity, that they aren't real women.
前面部分有点出戏一些小细节没有了比如书里法庭上阐释男孩对于诗歌的喜爱国产爱豆剧传媒在线观看视频成为他们见面推进感情非常重要的切入口因为菲奥娜少年时代也喜爱诗歌她一直问男孩要什么但当男孩问她 what did you want from me 的时候她只会利用权威左顾而言他白头弟弟生机勃勃脆弱又热忱