It was not a lie, just not the whole story. But what two people ever know each other really? Most of it is just smoke and mirrors. People don't actually know who they're with. 喜欢这个开放结局所有人都在磕磕绊绊中成长和成熟起来每个人都要找到生活的重心和支撑自己的能量喜欢配乐赞叹Colin叔的演技
哪怕Marlo crew的塑造差了Barksdale crew十万八千里哪怕这一季故事线太多毒贩警局政客媒体的戏为了在10集内收尾都有太多遗憾大多数线草草收场新妹魔王的契约者 BURST还是不忍心给它打四星这部剧可能永远都会是我心中最好的群像剧All the cops and dealers,the politicions and journalists,all the homeless and kids,they will always be in my blood and my soul.