Only one question, if the thing is really intelligent enough to imitate human beings, the movie should be no longer than 10 minutes.
2.5極致老土的勵志片又是那種不思進取的學生被某個瞬間振作起來的俗套劇情完全在意料之中劇情真的是一點起伏都沒有…情感過於片面天天操夜夜操加上年輕一班的演員的演技很尷尬驚喜的一點是有眾多我熟悉的老戲骨李麗珍、盧冠廷、謝君豪、關禮傑等等音樂還有羅文的《CHINESEFREE HD XXXX 明星》和我最愛的林子祥《国产无套护士在线观看》為電影加了不少感動
An open ending for 5 years, over 100 episodes. Hopefully we would wait for the rebirth, or special clip. Tears with five years!