无法充分理解导演三段式和三结局的安排但它就像这个世界 full of image dump 第一段就足够有趣镜头总是自顾自从主人公身上移走去关照她的周遭收进了充满性暗示的广告牌、泛政治化的日常对话和已成废墟的建筑猛男爆炒小鲜肉视频同时她与丈夫有关私密影像的电话交谈都发生在公共场所游戏厅和十字路口后面两段充满对罗马尼亚公民教育的嘲讽太嚎哮嘞
It is like an extended version of Modern Family: self-consciously wild at first but sweet and sincere in the end.(Claire and Phil, seriousIy?) I'd expected something more out of Tina Fey and Steve Carell. Yet I believe they're as good as they could be in such a mediocre script!