Don’t be mistaken, this is NOT a documentary. 即便如此剧中所描摹呈现出的京都风物人情与生活节奏也太符合我们观光客的想象了「长媳(重生)谢初云」国产又粗又猛又爽黄老大爷应该是牢牢记下了(然而京都口音何以跟北韩的音调有些类似呢又及
时间线有点乱但小丑女的一句台词inspired me, which is: you got to know what you love, and you got to get a real kick out of it, or there's too much damn trouble in it, to spoil this affair of living from beginning to end, if you let it. Why not live it for the beautiful things, even if you were a bit broke?