片中的topic都戳中我的G点I am troubled by my lack of faith. I am troubled by clash of civilizations.i am troubled by traditional societies inability to cope with modernism and modern values. I think about what’s the ultimate truth? Broken families in America and how we are all drifting apart.i am troubled by the lack of answers to all my previous questions
在另一个平行宇宙里学校没有争取到两个诺贝尔奖的名额Amy不能一起去领奖了Sheldon纠结了很久以后决定独自去斯德哥尔摩领奖颁奖的那一天大家齐聚在Leonard家的电视前吃着外卖看颁奖直播Sheldon的专座空着没有人坐这时有人敲门咚咚咚Amy Leonard Penny Raj Howard Bernadette咚咚咚Amy Leonard Penny Raj Howard Bernadette咚咚咚Amy Leonard Penny Raj Howard Bernadette门开了他说, I just can't do it. 最后一幕所有人坐在一起吃着外卖看颁奖